Thursday 9 January 2014

Mug of hot cocoa improves strength and brain function in the elderly

Mug of hot cocoa improves strength and brain function in the elderly

A medical study revealed that eating Kbaralsn for a mug of hot cocoa significantly helps in strengthening the functions of the brain. The new study has linked between eating two cups of hot cocoa daily and improve the skills of memory and cognition among the elderly especially those who suffer from low levels of blood flow to the brain cells. 

This comes at a time which sees a number of researchers believe that the results obtained are very limited to validate the effectiveness of cocoa in promoting mental capacity directly and protection of the decline and ensure the normal flow of blood to brain cells in addition to careful eating cocoa local cause long-term increase the problem of obesity, which is indirectly linked to the low level of brain function. 

He stressed Dr. "Farzana Sorod" assistant professor in neuroscience at the University, "Harvard" America the need for moderation in eating cocoa Local private until they are standing on the impact of sugars on the patient's health and fat that comes from eating cocoa. 

 A previous study of cocoa have linked many health benefits, paid to rights as a result of regularity in the eating and the improvement of some brain function and mental abilities. 

Researchers have conducted their research on 60 people with an average age of 73 years, where he was tracked for more than thirty days and given drinks rich in antioxidants and "Alflavonid" located in Cocoa associated with improved blood flow. 

 The follow-up indicated that eighteen people with disabilities, including increased rates of blood flow to the brain cells and by 80% compared to the elderly who did not organize these beverages. 

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