Thursday 1 August 2013

"Discrimination on the basis of weight" over weight!

"Discrimination on the basis of weight" over weight!

U.S. researchers said at the University of Florida to the irony of someone overweight, may lead to the acquisition of a few extra kilos.

How? People who are exposed to the kind of discrimination on the basis of weight, they are more likely to be obese.
As well as also noted that those who actually suffer from excessive weight, at least have the chances of losing weight if they feel that they are treated differently because of their weight.

The researchers believe, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" the British, that discrimination on the basis of weight leads who are sensitive to their excess weight, to eat more fatty foods and the fear of becoming ridiculous material also pushes them to avoid exercise.

The researchers pointed out that discrimination on the basis of weight is usually justified on the grounds that it helps to bring about a shock to those who suffer from obesity to begin to change their way of life, but may have in fact quite the opposite effect.
The study included more than 6 thousand men and women were measured weight and asking them about their exposure "to distinguish daily basis" or not, such as dealing with them with respect less compared to others, whether that discrimination because of weight, sex or race.
The researchers measured weights involved again after 4 years, and found that there was no link between discrimination on the basis of sex, race and gain overweight, is that those who have suffered from "discrimination on the basis of weight," increased their chances of gaining more weight by two and a half compared with those who do not suffer from discrimination because of their weight.
The scientists shows that discrimination on the basis of weight can take several forms, from exposure to Comments
Hurtful and even obese ignored when applying for any jobs.

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